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2023-09-14 英语词典


美式发音: [ˈɡæmbɪt] 英式发音: ['ɡæmbɪt]


网络释义:神偷艳贼;牌王;弃兵复数:gambits  同义词




1.开头一招;开局;开场白a thing that sb does, or sth that sb says at the beginning of a situation or conversation, that is intended to give them some advantage

an opening gambit(= the first thing you say)开场白

2.(国际象棋中为获得优势而采取的)开局让棋法a move or moves made at the beginning of a game of chess in order to gain an advantage later


n.1.something that you say or do in an attempt to gain an advantage2.a series of moves that you can make at the beginning of a game of chess

1.神偷艳贼 castling 王车易位 gambit 弃兵局 positional play 设局 ...

5.策略 【hallway】 走廊 【gambit策略 【breach】 违背,违反 ...

6.开局让棋法 ... gambir 黑儿茶 gambit 开局棋法 gamble away 赌光 ...

8.离奇伪术家哥连费夫及荷里活卖座女星金美伦戴雅丝华丽主演的《#离奇伪术家#》(GAMBIT),讲艺术策展人仿制印象派大师莫奈名画 …


1.More to the point, the gambit failed to relieve the pressure on America in Indochina, which was one of its chief purposes.更重要的是,这次对话并未能达成其首要目标之一-减轻美国在印度支那遭遇到的压力。

2.But it all depends on the work of specialized cells called lymphocytes that have made a risky evolutionary gambit to mutate their own DNA.但是它完全依赖称作淋巴细胞的特殊细胞,这种细胞通过突变自身DNA开始了具危险性的进化之旅。

3.It was a huge gambit and one that came like a tonic to Wall Street, which had panned an earlier outline of the program that lacked detail.这一大手笔对华尔街是一剂强心剂,之前他们曾对该计划的早期概要提出批评因其缺少细节。

4.By Sunday evening, with talks about to resume at the White House, the president's gambit appeared to have failed.到周日晚间,相关方面在白宫再次展开谈判,奥巴马的第一招似乎已经失败。

5.The Florida - friend gambit had not fooled Sweeting for an instant .所谓佛罗里达的朋友那一套,一点也诓不了斯威廷。

6."I decided to see you myself" was his opening gambit.他的开场白是“我决定亲自见你”。

7.Whatever the reason, Amazon will have to hope that its gambit works, because its business model has at least one worryingdownside.不论是什么原因,亚马逊都希望能够旗开得胜,因为它的商业模式存在至少一个令人担忧的缺陷。

8.The spokesman said the early release wasn't a promotional gambit.该发言人说,影片提早外泄并非为宣传造势。

9.The simplest gambit would be a one-off revaluation: keep the link with the dollar but at a higher exchange rate.最简单的开端是一步到位的升值即以较高的汇率盯住美元。

10.Her opening gambit in a key electoral contest to determine India's leadership in 2014 coincides with a parliament in shambles.此举是她在决定2014年印度领导人的关键选举角逐中,走出的开局路数。
